CHIA-YING CHAN - Plays Beethoven, Schubert and Fine

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CHIA-YING CHAN - Plays Beethoven, Schubert and Fine - 044747362724 - Released: April 2018 - Centaur CRC3627

Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 31 in A-flat Major, Op. 110
Franz Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 20 in A Major, D 959
Irving Fine: Music for Piano
- Prelude
- Waltz-Gavotte
- Variations
- Interlude-Finale

This is the debut recording of pianist Chia-Ying Chan. Originally from Taiwan, she now resides in the United States and teaches Piano Ensemble, Chamber Music and Theory for pre-college students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As a soloist, she has performed internationally in countries such as Spain, Italy, Russia, and Taiwan. Additionally, she has been awarded top prizes in international competitions.

A highly sensitive artist who pays close attention to expressive markings and dynamics throughout each musical phrase, but without bringing undo attention directly to them. It's all done naturally with insight and care, as if Chia-Ying Chan instinctively understands the composer's intent. Her Beethoven is perceptive and probing, and her Schubert infused with grace and poetic motion. And her choice to include music written in 1947 by American composer Irving Fine does not clash with the music of the old masters, despite the fact that Fine's style seems more preoccupied with rhythmic contrasts than with melodic invention. It's still highly accessible and communicative music that Chia-Ying Chan captures and projects with the same aegis, custody and expressive care she brings to Schubert and Beethoven, as she instantly "gets" its American attributes.

Chia-Ying Chan is a musician to watch and follow, because with a debut CD this well rounded on all accounts, what comes next can't but mature and improve.

Jean-Yves Duperron - July 2019