CANTICA OBSOLETA - Acronym Ensemble

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CANTICA OBSOLETA - Various Composers - Acronym Ensemble - 767223519985 - Released: July 2020 - Olde Focus Recordings FCR917

Johann Heinrich Schmelzer: Sonata a 5 in D Minor
Johann Philipp Krieger: Cantate domino canticum novum
Giacomo Carissimi: Doleo et pœnitet me
Christian Geist: Selig, ja selig, wer willig erträget
Johann Jacob Löwe: Sonata a 6 in E-Flat Major
Samuel Capricornus: Salvum me fac Deus
Christian Flor: Inter brachia Salvatoris mei
Caterina Giani: Liebster Jesu, trautes Leben
Johann Martin Radeck: Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe
Andreas Kirchhoff: Sonata a 6 in G minor
Christian Ritter: Miserere Christe mei
Daniel Eberlin: Ich kann nicht mehr ertragen

This is an interesting and adventurous release that brings together neglected works from the Düben Collection. A collection which consists of over 2300 music manuscripts, named after a family of composers who served as music directors at the Royal Swedish Court in Stockholm. Most of this music is unique, and has never been recorded. It only took around 400 years for this music to see the light of day again. These world premiere recordings should be of interest to Baroque music enthusiasts, since for the most part, the composers are not your typical line-up of usual suspects, and even include a rarity within rarities: a beautiful vocal work by Caterina Giani, a female baroque singer and composer.

Baroque ensemble Acronym, along with Canadian soprano Hélène Brunet, countertenor Reginald Mobley, tenor Brian Giebler and bass-baritone Jonathan Woody breathe life into these exhumed works not only with the delight of discovery, but also with a committed level of performance usually reserved for the great masterworks. The instrumental band which consists of a violin, viola, treble, tenor and bass viols, organ, harpsichord, guitar and theorbo, sometimes gets collectively fired up and generates an impressive sonic canvas. The audio recording itself is airy and open, and yet you can pinpoint each and every instrument and voice clearly.

If you've often commented that there is never anything new to discover from that period in music, this recording is for you.

Jean-Yves Duperron - July 2020