FEDERICO MOMPOU - Musica callada

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FEDERICO MOMPOU - Musica callada - Stephen Hough (Piano) - 034571283623 - Released: February 2023 - Hyperion CDA68362

I suppose it's possible to consider Federico Mompou (1893-1987) the Spanish equivalent to Erik Satie. In particular within the context of this volume of piano pieces. Short and subtle miniatures, with odd and at times quirky intervals and harmonic combinations. But that is where the similarity ends. Satie was an extroverted, eccentric nonconformist, and his music generally projects these characteristics. On the other hand Mompou's music is intimate, withdrawn and somewhat morose and transitory in character. Meant to create an illusion rather than leave an impression. In other words music perfectly suited for a quiet listening session on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Titles like Angelico, Luminoso, Plaintif, Afflitto e penoso (Afflicted and painful), certainly set the appropriate tone.

British pianist Stephen Hough finds the perfect balance between aloofness and emotion to convey the charm and subtle profundity of these little jewels. Listening to these pieces under Stephen Hough's interpretation, is like eavesdropping on the composer's most private thoughts. Like introspection but on a cosmic level. The title Musica callada stands for "quiet music". Quiet yes, but certainly not vacuous.

Jean-Yves Duperron - February 2023
